Terms and Conditions


Business undertaken subject to the General Terms & Conditions of cargo-partner resp. General Austrian Forwarders’ Terms and Conditions (AÖSp) in the valid wording. District Court: Korneuburg, Reg. Office: Fischamend, Company Reg. Number: FN 80791 k, UID/VAT ATU16818905


Business undertaken subject to the Belgian Freight Forwarders Standard Trading Conditions in the valid wording. VAT-ID No.: BE0887435083 RPR BRUSSEL.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Business undertaken subject to the General Slovenian International Forwarders’ Conditions.


Business undertaken subject to the Standard Trading Conditions and Standard Warehousing Conditions issued by the Bulgarian National Forwarding Association NSBS. District Court Sofia VAT No. BG131399242 Legal Domicile: Sofia Bulstat: 131399242.


Business undertaken subject to the General Conditions of the International Freight Forwarders’ Association of Croatia. Commercial Court in Zagreb VAT No. HR1320009, OIB No. 42839217726.

Czech Republic

Business undertaken subject to the Czech Forwarding Agent’s General Terms of Business and §1751 Civil Code. Company incorporated in the commercial register at the district court of Prague, section C, insert 23966 Date of registration: 93-10-27 VAT No.: CZ49689401.


Business conducted in accordance with the current General German Forwarder’s Standard Terms and Conditions (ADSp). District Court Munich. Reg. Office: Zeppelinstraße 1, D-85399 Hallbergmoos Company. Reg. Number: HRB 140058 VAT No. DE813147265, CEO: Stefan Krauter, Legal Domicile: Munich.


Business undertaken is subject to the  General Hungarian Forwarder’s Standard Terms and Conditions (ÁSZF) in the valid wording. Domicile: 2360-Gyál, ProLogis Ipari Park DC5, County Court Pest, as the Court of Registry. Company Reg. Nr.13-09-124441. VAT No. HU11466569 Tax No. 11466569-2-13.


Condizioni generali di spedizione e trasporto.
General conditions of freight forwarding and transport


Business undertaken subject to the The Algemene Vervoerscondities 1983 (AVC) in the valid wording.

Op al onze werkzaamheden zijn de Nederlandse Expeditievoorwaarden (FENEX condities), laatste versie, gedeponeerd ter Griffie van de Arrondissementsrechtbanken te Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda en Rotterdam op 1 juli 2004, van toepassing.

All activities are subject to the Dutch Forwarding Conditions, latest version, as deposited at the Registry of the District Courts at Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam on July 1 2004.


ATTENTION! There is no transport/marine insurance automatically covered for your shipment. In many cases there is no liability of carriers, e.g. natural disaster or General Average. Our liability is subject to the limitations set out in the WC, MC, CMR, CIM, AWB or the terms and conditions on the B/L.  Further declaration of cargo values at transport orders, invoices or any other documents determine according to our services on the basis of the General Polish Forwarders Conditions (OPWS) no increase of our limitation of liability.

By request we organize transport insurance (premium, procurement, handling), (optional door-to-door coverage), covering damages at on- and offloading, general average deposit payment and in case of damage/loss up to full cargo value. Transport insurance (premium, procurement, handling) is only taken out upon your explicit written order and is subject to the General Austrian Transport Insurance Terms and Conditions (AÖTB) in the valid wording.

KRS 0000115836, District Court: Warsaw
UID/VAT PL5222450835

Uwaga!!! Przesyłki nie są automatycznie objęte ubezpieczeniem transportowym/morskim. W wielu przypadkach odpowiedzialność przewoźników jest wyłączona np. w wypadku klęski żywiołowej czy awarii wspólnej. Nasza odpowiedzialność podlega ograniczeniom ustalonym w WC, MC, CMR, CIM, AWB lub w warunkach czy postanowieniach wskazanych w B/L. Dalsze deklaracje dotyczące wartości towaru wskazane na zaleceniu spedycyjnym, fakturze lub innym dokumencie określone zgodnie ze świadczoną przez nas usługą na podstawie Ogólnopolskich Warunków Spedycyjnych (OPWS) nie zwiększają zakresu naszej odpowiedzialności.

Na żądanie oferujemy ubezpieczenie transportowe (obejmujące składkę ubezpieczeniową, zamówienie, obsługę oraz informacje o stanie sprawy),, (opcjonalnie ochronę door-to-door), pokrywające szkody przy załadunku i rozładunku, płatność depozytów przy awarii wspólnej i w przypadku szkody/straty do pełnej wysokości wartości towaru. Ubezpieczenie transportowe (premium, procurement, handling), jest wykupywane wyłącznie w przypadku pisemnego zamówienia tej usługi w sposób zrozumiały i podlega Ogólnym Warunkom Austriackiego Ubezpieczenia Transportowego (AÖTB) w obowiązującym brzmieniu.

KRS 0000115836 Sad Rejonowy dla M.St. Warszawy,
VAT No. PL5222450835


Business undertaken subject to the USER Standard Terms and Conditions. VAT ID no. RO13499418
Comp. Reg. No. J23/796/2000  District Court: Buftea, Ilfov.


Business undertaken is in full accordance with General Conditions for Business Operations of International Logistics and Forwarding Companies of Serbia (Sl.Glasnik No. 105/08). Company ID No. 08839379.


Business undertaken subject to the General Freight Forwarder’s Conditions of Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding of the Slovak Republic in the valid wording. Company Registration No. 31387365, Commercial Register of the District Office Bratislava I, Section Sro, 8239/B VAT No. SK2020304374.


Business undertaken subject to the General Slovenian International Forwarders’ Conditions. Reg. Office Ljubljana SRG 2006/05955 Company Registration Number: 1/44365/00 VAT No. SI89837487 Company Identity No. 1201867 TAX No. SI 89837487.